Category: Business News

Pros and Cons of Personality Tests for Employment

Diverse group of individuals in business attire, seated while waiting for job interviews.

“Employees are a company’s greatest asset — they’re your competitive advantage.” –Anne M. Mulcahy, former CEO, Xerox Corporation The right hiring decisions can truly define a company. In an effort to build top-quality workforces, human resource departments are increasingly turning to advanced tools such as personality tests to aid them in their hiring decisions. In… Read more »

Developing a Talent Management Process and Strategy

Illustration of various professionals in casual, business, casual, and business attire.

“Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it, the greater the yield. The time you spend with your best is, quite simply, your most productive time.” –Marcus Buckingham, author of First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently Talent management is an emerging approach to human resources… Read more »

Bigger, Better, Bolder: How Austin Brings Texas Flair to Startup Culture

The buzz about the startup culture in Austin is making it one of America’s fastest growing cities. From 2010 to 2015 its population grew significantly, a total of 8.2 percent according to census estimates. The city’s tech startup scene is certainly one of the major reasons for the growth, as aspiring entrepreneurs choose Austin as… Read more »

5 Popular Employment Personality Tests

Graphical representation of business people during the testing, hiring and review processes.

Personality tests are an increasingly popular tool for companies to evaluate potential job candidates. These tests allow employers to identify a candidate’s personality traits, tendencies and work styles, which in turn assists them in making smarter hiring decisions. While no single personality test can offer all the candidate information a company may desire, a number… Read more »

Revenue Models: The Business of Driving the Bottom Line

Illustration of young businessman pointing to financial charts.

To ensure the economic viability of a company, a business needs to create a revenue model suited for its specific industry. This model must produce income that leads to profitability. The purpose of a revenue model is to project cash flow, forecast revenue estimates and communicate the company’s value proposition. This process is ongoing and… Read more »

From Fun to Fit: Gamification in Healthcare

Gamification, or the practice of applying game-like elements to non-game contexts or problems, is becoming increasingly prominent across a variety of industries, and healthcare is no exception. Aided by the rise of technology, gamification offers both patients and providers novel ways to promote positive health. The Benefits of Healthcare Gamification “Game-play focuses and controls our attention,”… Read more »

The Hidden Benchmark of Economic Growth: A Primer to Understanding Total Factor Productivity

While many aspects of America’s economic health are discussed at length in the public arena, total factor productivity (TFP) is often overlooked. Yet exploring TFP can be crucial to understanding an economy’s vigor — and its future. Defining Total Factor Productivity Found in the equation for determining the gross domestic product (GDP), TFP can be defined… Read more »

5 Reasons Why Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Must Get an MBA

According to the Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity, 280 out of 100,000 adults started/opened their own business every month in 2013. While there was a slight decline in the business creation rate from that of 2012, the key takeaway was that more and more Americans felt encouraged to start a business in the current economic… Read more »

Can an MBA Make You a Powerful Leader?

They say leaders are born, not made. But a whole lot of them sure go to business school. According to an article published on, about 40 percent of S&P 500 CEOs have an MBA in any given year. An MBA is, by far, the degree with the most representation among these executives. So, if… Read more »

5 Ways a Business Degree Can Help Non-Profit Organizations

What we all love about non-profit organizations is that they operate with a view to benefit the society and the general public rather than having profit-earning as their primary motive. A non-profit organization can actually generate any amount of profit, but that profit has to be used to achieve their goals and cannot be used… Read more »