Revenue Models: The Business of Driving the Bottom Line

To ensure the economic viability of a company, a business needs to create a revenue model suited for its specific industry. This model must produce income that leads to profitability. The purpose of a revenue model is to project cash flow, forecast revenue estimates and communicate the company’s value proposition. This process is ongoing and… Read more »

From Fun to Fit: Gamification in Healthcare

Gamification, or the practice of applying game-like elements to non-game contexts or problems, is becoming increasingly prominent across a variety of industries, and healthcare is no exception. Aided by the rise of technology, gamification offers both patients and providers novel ways to promote positive health. The Benefits of Healthcare Gamification “Game-play focuses and controls our attention,”… Read more »

The Hidden Benchmark of Economic Growth: A Primer to Understanding Total Factor Productivity

While many aspects of America’s economic health are discussed at length in the public arena, total factor productivity (TFP) is often overlooked. Yet exploring TFP can be crucial to understanding an economy’s vigor — and its future. Defining Total Factor Productivity Found in the equation for determining the gross domestic product (GDP), TFP can be defined… Read more »

Leveling Up: Video Game Development by Language

Video games are a big business. Total revenue for the U.S. video game industry reached $23.5 billion last year, a 5 percent increase from 2014. Behind every video game are programmers who help develop the product. Although programming languages vary from game to game, a few are the most popular. This post will cover the… Read more »

6 Monumental Media Law Cases for Journalists

Media law in America is about as old as the country itself, with freedom of the press outlined clearly in the Constitution. Throughout history, various media law cases have offered further clarity on how freedom of the press works. These cases have defined how American journalists do their jobs, affecting all eras of journalism and… Read more »

Freedom of Information: Journalism in the Digital Age

  The internet has fundamentally altered American society, and journalism is no exception. In fact, the media climate is evolving at a rapid pace. How are journalists delivering the news and informing the public amid widespread changes in technology? The Journalism Landscape Journalism in the digital age consists of broadcast journalism, print journalism and internet journalism…. Read more »

Power of Play: The Importance of Sports and Social Good

Sports are not just about winning. Sports can be a driver of social change. The late Nelson Mandela once said that “sport has the power to change the world.” He witnessed this when his support of the mostly white South African national team in the 1995 Rugby World Cup had a striking effect on the… Read more »

8 Nonprofit Sports Organizations in Texas

One of the true beauties of sports is how it can unite people for good. Countless nonprofit sports organizations combine a passion for sports with community outreach and personal development. Nonprofit organizations may use sports to support a cause or to reach out to groups typically unable to participate in athletics. Texas has many nonprofit… Read more »

Creating Control: Managing Bullying in the Classroom

One of every four students reports being bullied during the school year, according to the National Bullying Prevention Center. Bullying in the classroom has always been a problem, and educators are now taking bullying seriously. In today’s classroom, teachers must ensure that they offer all students a classroom environment free of bullying. Implementing classroom management… Read more »

A Guide to Modern Classroom Management Strategies

The 21st century has brought extensive change to education. From preschools to universities, the classroom environment is evolving. Teachers are running their classes in fundamentally different ways than in the past. Effective classroom management helps teachers reach their goals for students and curb potential problems before they start. Understanding modern classroom management strategies is critical… Read more »